
Eric Ryan Anderson for Sumter County Sheriff

Not Affiliated with Any Political Party

It's Your Choice, Take Politics Out of Law Enforcement.
Don't Hire a Politician, Hire a Marine that Will Fight to Protect Your Freedom and Protect Your Family.
Eric Chip Flag
No Party Affiliation
Serving Our Community
Serving Our Community
Marine Corps
Leadership Learned as a Marine
Wounded Warrior
Protecting Our Wounded Warriors

  • The Sheriff is Not a Politician.
  • The Sheriff is Elected by the People Not Appointed by the Government.
  • The Sheriff Answers to You, the Citizens, Not a Political Party.

Most people's first encounter with the Sheriff is on one of the worst days of their lives.

Maybe they were just in an automobile accident, or their home is on fire, or a loved one is in trouble. Having the ability to help people work through one of these horrible situations is the key to the long-term safety in our community.

Nineteen years ago, I was part of one of those moments.

A Life Changing Event for a Volunteer Fireman

Free Kittens

Nineteen years ago, I was a Volunteer Firefighter in Lake County Florida. For the first few years I was the only one on duty.

A call came in for a pediatric emergency. A 5-week-old child had stopped breathing.

When I arrived and made it to the front steps. I was met by Gramma, and she handed me her little grandbaby. He wasn't breathing.

The look in Grandma's eyes was that of a woman who just handed me her whole world. When she handed her grand child to me, our eyes met and to this day that vision still makes my eyes leak.

What happened next was incredible, it involved oxygen, a willing hand, and the touch of a miracle.

As I worked giving the little guy oxygen his breathing was very shallow, but his color was coming back. After about 5 minutes, which seemed like 5 hours, the ambulance arrived. They took the baby from me, started an IV and the little guy started to scream.

It's moments like this that make you rethink ever being upset about a crying baby.

A very happy moment in my life.

About 4 years later this young man's mom came into my office. She handed me a picture and said, "This is only possible because of you". The picture is of the little guy at four years old getting into his birthday cake. I was recently contacted by the family and the young man is doing very well. He is now, 19 years old.

This is Just one of the many incidents in my life where I felt blessed to be able to help doing God's work.

Hi, I'm Eric Anderson.

Throughout my life I have worked and volunteered to serve my community as a Marine, state trooper, firefighter, and firearms instructor. I founded the Spirit Equine Therapy, SET preogram, offering equine assisted therapy to veterans, first responders, and law enforcement throughout the community.

I don't go along to get along. When you don't go along with the existing power structure you are attacked. This has been my experience, and Sumter County's experience recently as we have seen the accusations and removal of two County Commissions in Sumter County. This is why I run as a no party affiliate candidate, to take politics out of law enforcement.

My campaign is not funded by big donors that I would be beholding to. I'm on the ballot this November because hundreds and hundreds of decent citizens from Sumter County signed petitions to place my name on the ballot without any affiliation with a political party or a political agenda.

Eric Meeting Public
I have spoken with thousands of Sumter County residents.

I know that I have to answer to the citizens of Sumter County. I will stand between your family and the criminals that want to bring their evil to our county. The people of Sumter County are good, decent people, and I will make sure that the sheriff's department treats you that way.

Angry Officer
We need an honest, God-fearing Marine that understands how to apply common sense to law enforcement.

Sumter County is a Constitutional County. The authority for the county is derived directly from the Constitution of the State of Florida and not from the local politicians.

The Sheriff's Department was created by the Constitution of the State of Florida. The sheriff is elected by the people and works for the people.

I'm here to protect your freedoms and protect your kids. I'll keep the criminals out of Sumter County so you can sleep soundly at night without worrying about your safety or your family's safety.

Angry Officer
We must stop the political bickering and get back to "We The People"

With a proven track record of doing the right thing for the right reasons, Eric Ryan Anderson is a No Party Affiliate Candidate who believes it is time to Take Politics Out of Law Enforcement.

I would appreciate your vote this November.

Thank you,

Keeping politics out of the sheriff’s department
By: Eric Anderson for Sheriff

Eric Chip Flag

Marine Corps

Serving Our Community
Serving Our Community
Marine Corps
Leadership Learned as a Marine
Wounded Warrior
Protecting Our Wounded Warriors
© Copyright 2020 - 2024

Eric Anderson 4 Sheriff, Sumter County, Florida

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Eric Anderson 4 Sheriff
Website: www.EricAnderson4Sheriff.com
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